Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Early in the morning...
Wake up at 5.30 ,
eating breakfast at 6 o'clock,
and 6.40 the Kao Cha Lao(drving teacher) come and pick me up..
today(21.4.09) exam driving!!! GGRRrrrr... (scary)
There were 2 parts:
First part.. Naik bukit.. Parking... 3 penjuru...
Second part... Driving on the road at lorong A or B
Reached the destination.....
Aw.. My hand was shaking.. very very nervous~0.o
The car so cacat.. and It makes me drive cacat too..
I thought I'll fail the naik bukit but I've passed.. (YAHOO!!) and so the parking and 3 penjuru..
Hehehe then I wait for the guy call my name to drive on the road...
I wait and wait and wait.... (for about 2 hours ++??)
My leg was so pain and i decided to went for eat.. XD too long + hungry.. ><
After I've ate finish.. then the guy called my name.. (yes!) It's my turn~ =p
Actually the guy in the car who sat beside me is a "mata" (Police)..
The police looked at me and said : "Kau......... "
"what? " I thought..
"faham...... "
"huh?? "
"Bahasa Malaysia kah?"
*DOINK* =.=
what??!! Am I looked like pendatang asing or something?? sweat~
Then I started the car and go..
"Kau masih belajar kah?" he asked..
"Tidak.. saya sudah habis sekolah.." I replied.. (I think he laugh when I said like this)
"Oh.. kau habis belajar apa kau buat sekarang? kerja?"
" tidak.. saya May study..." (what a wierd replied.....=.=ll)
"Oh.. mana kau study bulan May?"
"....... SIA?? mana tu? sebenarnya apakah nama SIA?"
"er.... Sabah..... Sabah..... Sabah Bla Bla of Art" (I really forget what was the letter "I" means)
"Hahahaha!!" he laughed.. =.=
On the Road.....
So.. on the road I'm very confident and I just drive..
suddenly.. "Eh.. mana kau punya signal?"
OPS!!! The first mistake... T.T
then when going back... "Eh... kau pigang setering jangan di bawah.. di tengah tengah bah.. kalau kamu dapat "P".. Ah... suka hati la bagaimana kau mau pigang.."
Yaiks!! The second mistake.. T.T lol..
Then.. when I get back there where I exam my driving..
The kao cha lao said I've pass.. ngam ngam.. ><
the total is 20 and get 16..
hehehe so happy.. XD he said maybe few days I'll get my "P" licence~ wakakakaka
Thank God for answering my prayer.. ^^

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