Monday, October 12, 2009

Food poisoning Day 1

8 plus in the morning.. woke up.. felt not feeling well..
I thought it was just a normal thing..
but then i can't take it anymore..
I went to the toilet and when I saw the toilet bowl I terus vomit..
The colour of my vomit so disgusting..
In the morning is YELLOW in colour..
Then afternoon after i drank Nesvita..
I ran to the toilet again.. and vomit..
This time.. It was GREEN in clour!!!
OMG what was that??????
Then.. i slept for bout 1 something untill 6 o'clock..
My mumy cooked bubur for me to eat...
But I just eat a little bit i feels like not going to eat anymore..
Not in the mood to eat food.. T__T
After i ate a bit of bubur and medicine..
I ran to the toilet again..
Damn... this time worst..
It was BLACK in colour..
After i rest for a while..
I vomit again..
BLACK + GREY in colour
(punya colourfull my vomit thing.. ==")
My whole body no enerygy..
felt super duper triple DIZZY!!!!!
quite long that time i vomit.. then went to the clinic and c doctor..
bout 9 something I reached home and I went into my room and slept..
my mumy slept on my sis's bed.. haha..
In the midnight mumy got call me to wake up and drink some water and ate medicine..
untill today.. 7 something i woke up..
felt better now.. =]
The End

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